Have You Looked at Your Backside Lately? Maybe you have glanced back when getting dressed for work or walked by a mirror in a department store. Does your buttocks appear too small for your body frame? Is the shape of your buttocks flat or even square in appearance? Do...
Vogue Man was a monthly men’s magazine that covered fashion, design, art, culture, sports and technology. They recently wrote an article that mentioned ‘The Adonis body sculpting procedure’. Below is an excerpt: “Flying specialists into the...
Join world renowned board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Constantino Mendieta and Dr. Sheila Nazarian discuss some of the hottest topics in plastic surgery via Facebook Live on August 16th at 3 PM PST ( 6 PM EST). Dr. Constantino Mendieta is a celebrity plastic...
Los pacientes se irán satisfechos con los resultados. Todos y cada uno de mis pacientes reciben el respeto y la consideración que ellos se merecen. Una de mis metas primordiales es la de ofrecer mis servicios de las más alta calidad, siempre lo hare con una actitud...
Dr. Mendieta Talks about the Importance of Quality Patient Care “My patients deserve the utmost respect and consideration. And I always strive to maintain a professional yet friendly attitude while providing them with the highest quality of care. When all is...
*Con el predominio que tienen las redes sociales de internet y el incremento de la apreciación hacia la parte posterior (los glúteos) en estos días, no, nos sorprende cuando vemos que una de las nuevas tendencias en las redes sociales es la publicación continua de...